It' been raining all week (Except from today, Hurray!) So business has been awfully slow in the shop, and it hasn't helped that we are back in recession (Were we ever out of it?)...
However the week has been productive in other ways, I have managed to tidy up 50% of my office, phew there is still at lot to do, but I will get there.
Hubby left the building Thursday morning (He will be back tomorrow night though) he's away with work at conference in Madrid. I'm taking the kids to the cinema tomorrow! On Saturday mornings most cinemas in UK have this great family deal at 10am they are showing 'old' family films for only £1.00 pr person, brilliant! So tomorrow we are going to se the Smurfs and get lots and lots of popcorn!
Afterwards I will be working in the shop and Anne Sofie will look after the kids.
Then very early Sunday morning Hubby and I are going to drive up North for a wedding
(only a 7 hours drive) The children are staying home with Anne Sofie (Lucky her) And we should be back just in time for picking the kids up from nursery/school Monday afternoon.
#1 After the rain comes a Rainbow, this was even a double one....
#2 Dinner is served
#3 Picture taken at my Badminton club in the changing room!!
#4 Rasp seed field on my way back from London
#5 Silhouette of Ophelia
#6 Felix the Viking
#7 Puppy Norman
#8 Ophelia bought me this for her own pocket money, bless
#9 Mogens Rye Bread
#10 Marbled Cake (This time baked with almond milk, very good indeed)
Have a wonderful weekend
Hei Kathrine, så koselige bilder! Kaken på siste bildet ser utrolig god ut. Nå fikk jeg lyst til å bake akkurat en sånn :) Ha en fin søndag!
På trods af regn og stilhed i butikken, er stemningen fuld af lykke- Jeg håber din næste uge bliver fuld af solskin og travlhed i butikken:)