Thursday, 19 July 2012

The Rainbow Party

My big 'little' girl has turned 7!
She had her Rainbow party last Sunday as planned, 9 little girls turned up all dressed in their favourite colour from the rainbow and trust me they were ready to party.... 

We had a few things lined up for them to do. They started with the Pinata game, which is always fun, though the Pinata was so tough that even after 30 min bashing there was only a small crack in it! In the end I had to turn it upside down and shake the sweets out. 

Then they had The Rainbow Birthday cake!  I must admit that I was rather pleased with the result as it came out perfect when we cut it,  phew! 
Trust me the cake is not as difficult to make as it looks :-) I saw the idea on pintrest a while ago and then googled different recipes, I ended up using this one. The little cupcakes was also an idea I got from pintrest, I made them lacto free so Felix could have some cake to.

After the cake the girls went upstairs and played a few party games, they dressed up and were listening to very loud music! Ophelia had planned for them all to make their own masks, so we turned the dining table into a glitter galore and they all made a beautiful mask each!

The afternoon went really quick and I almost had to rush them down stairs for dinner. They had homemade chicken nuggets, chips and salad, followed by 'make your own ice-cream' They loved it!

They all got picked up around 6pm, and Ophelia had made them all a little party bags to take home filled with sweets and a toy!
Camilla our 'holiday child' was a great help through out the party and the days before, she helped making decorations and party bags.

All in all a great PARTY

Wonder what the theme will be next year? Any suggestions?


  1. WOW! Hvor er det bare gennemført, og vildt lækre kager! Rigtig god idé med den lille regnbue på cupcakes'ene - så fint! Pinterest er bare fantastisk! Og hvor er hun smuk, Ophelia:-)
    (Jeg overvejede faktisk navnet da vi fik Bella - Olivia og Ofelia - det kunne have været fint sammen - men manden skulle jo også med på råd;-))

  2. Tak Lone! Det er saa hyggeligt at planlaegge en sjov fest, jeg endte med at kobe et helt kilo af de der regnbue slik, da jeg ikke kunne faa den i butikken, ha' saa hvis du skal lave regnbue/sky kager saa sender jeg gerne 'regnbuerne' til dig!
    Og sjovt nok saa overvejded vi Olivia ;-) Jeg er helt tosset med Bella, saadan et fint navn, men jeg skal ikke ha' flere boern!

    Fortsat god sommer :-)

  3. fedt fedt tema og lækre billeder. Pinata har vi også haft til en af Rasmus' fødselsdage, og der måtte vi voksne også hjælpe til til sidst for at få den slået i stykker ;o)
    Jeg er altid på udkig efter nye temaer til drengenes fødselsdage og regnbuefest er da for fedt!! Den er hermed noteret ;o)
    Vi er så småt igang med forberedelserne til Bertram's 6 års fødselsdag og han har valgt indianer tema. Et klassisk drengetema ;o)

    1. Altsaa Ulla du har jo inspirreret mig op til flere gange mht. boerne fodselsdage, bla jeres Circus fest! Vi holdte Circus fest for Felix i Maj, du kan finde billeder derfra her paa bloggen :-) Jeg glaeder mig til at se billeder fra Bertram's 6 aars Indianer fest!

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